The SCUFFY placement process is wrapping up and you now find yourself as a member of a subcommunity. A bunch of odd-looking upperclassmen are enthusiastically welcoming you and throwing around messages of support. Now what??

This is where the fun begins! MIT will soon pick up its pace and you'll find yourself longing for advice, seeking solace after taking that brutal exam, or itching for a late night conversation about the existence of flat-earthers as a break between your PSETs. Your communities are here to serve as all of that and more!

We encourage you to participate in your community's events and in events part of the larger MIT community to engage with other first-years and upperclassmen.

We hope that as you go through the ups and downs of your first semester at MIT, your subcommunity becomes a place you can go to for support, guidance, and friendship. But we also understand that your subcommunity may not turn out to be the greatest fit for you. Reach out to your dorm/subcommunities exec if any issues arise with your subcommunity or fill out the Feedback Form so that we can do our best to help you out!

<aside> 💡 If you're having problems with your subcommunity and want to switch, reach out at [email protected]


Places to go


Dorm Placement

The Details


Feedback Form

<aside> 🌎 A website by Dormcon, BC Web, and TechX. Powered by Notion.
