If you didn't get placed in French House and are interested in our community, email [email protected] to be added to a mailing list for interested 2024s!

<aside> 💡 Looking for French House's ESC Events? They're all listed right here! You can also add of them to your google calendar, or add them to your Calendar app.


Bonjour! We are La Maison Française (French House), one of the cultural houses within New House. We're a tight-knit community that shares an appreciation for the French language and culture and a love of cooking, baking, and eating good food! Check out our website for more information and pictures!

If you're interested in being part of French House this fall, make sure to come to one of our info sessions! They're listed as French House Info Session in the event calendar. If those times don't work for you, email [email protected] and we would be happy to set up another time to talk!

Vote here on ingredients for our Chopped rip-off happening later this week!


More about French House:

We have about 30 residents living in half of the fourth floor of New House (when we're on campus 😢). We represent a huge variety of majors, hobbies, and French-speaking ability. We win baking contests, teach elementary schoolers, sing, garden, sail, perform in plays, dance, ice skate, run, bake more, hike, build rockets, compose string quartets, go to Boston Symphony Orchestra concerts, and occasionally sleep. In the fall, we have a spooky Halloween party. In the spring, we all get fancy for our annual Senior Brunch, and in the winter our Dîner de Noel (a ginormous holiday dinner and party) is lots of fun for everyone. We throw birthday parties for each other, and hide under tables to sing "joyeux anniversaire".

Of course, a lot of these activities have been on hold lately. But French House has been staying connected through the pandemic with game nights, daily yoga, birthday celebrations, movie nights, a virtual hog roast, and more.

French House is a diverse community, but what we all have in common is an interest and appreciation for French language and culture! That said, proficiency (or any French language ability at all) is NOT required to live here. All we ask for is enthusiasm and interest in learning! We have brunches to learn and practice French, and sometimes watch French movies together!

Our cooking system is another key part of being in French House: we eat delicious, home-cooked, four-course meals six days a week - and each resident only has to cook once per week! This happens through our cookteams, where five to six people work together to make dinner once a week. Although communal cooking hasn't been happening since March, we still enjoy sharing our quarantine cooking adventures with each other!

Places to go


Dorm Placement

The Details


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