Burton Conner Subcommunities

Burton Conner FLEX Events

Hello first-years! Burton Conner would like to cordially welcome you to the MIT community. We know things have gotten a little funky in this timeline, so we're sending good vibes your way in hopes that you have a super fun ESC and SCUFFY!

About Us

Burton Conner is a delicious stew of nine unique floors, each seasoned with its own culture, history, and aesthetic. Also in the mix are a dollop of paint, a small handful of quality facilities, and a heaping portion of sharp-minded, warm-hearted people. This mouth-watering milieu can be found simmering in any one of Burton Conner’s well-equipped suite kitchens, or being dished out at one of our dorm-wide events in the Porter Room, the largest indoor activity space on Dorm Row.

In Burton Conner, we work hard, but we also play hard. You might find us:

Though Burton Conner building is under renovation right now, living in Burton Conner has always been about the amazing people you meet there, and the welcoming communities that make it truly feel like home. Every year, hundreds of students choose to make their home in Burton Conner’s colorful halls, and we hope you will too (even if it must be only virtually for now)!

Places to go


Dorm Placement

The Details


Feedback Form


"Burton Conner... man what a dumpster fire (where by dumpster I mean wonderful, and by fire I mean great place to live). As part of this community, you’ll meet some of the coolest, funniest and all around thiccest mamis on campus. Not to name drop too hard, but have you ever heard of a couple of fellas by the names of Zack and Cody? Well here in Burton Conner, you’ll be living the suite life (on and off the deck ;0). Our floors are arranged into little sub-communities of 6-8 folks called suites. These suite members all share a kitchen, bathroom, and even a warm smile (bold home cooks only). So come on down (virtually I guess)! I guarantee that by the time your 4 years of undergrad are over, you’ll forget all about how this bombastic paragraph led you so far astray in your housing decision." - Big Bux Mux '20

"Burton Conner? You mean Burton Gonner! Yes, the rumors are true; much like reality, we are currently undergoing regularly scheduled maintenance procedures. Renovations are like walking across the Harvard bridge at 3 am. You might freeze your ears clean off, but ultimately you always make it back to campus." - Definitely Not A Mouse (what? we don't have those)

"There was a time where the dormitories at MIT were in shambles. Administrations came and went. Classes were P’d and NR’d. These were the old ages. The only thing keeping students working was hope. Hope that a hero would one day bring MIT out of its darkness and into the light. One warm spring day in 1928, Burton Conner opened its doors, and that hero was found. Finally, all of the whippersnappers and knuckleheads of MIT’s campus had one roof to congregate under. To this day, Burton Conner stands tall as a sanctuary for everyone. And even though many of us may not be able to join in her physical embrace, she will be long from forgotten. Burton Conner is not just a building. Nor merely a dorm at a nerd college in the only U.S. state with “ASS” in its name. She is a community that will outlive us all." - Jean Shawty '23

i3 Videos!





Burton Conner Longevity Video


The Lovely Residents of Burton Conner

the burton 1 boners

the burton 1 boners

conner 2 — the british floor

conner 2 — the british floor

the burton 2 toucans

the burton 2 toucans

the burton 3rd bombers

the burton 3rd bombers

conner 3 — the Irish floor

conner 3 — the Irish floor

the conner 4 pirates

the conner 4 pirates

the burton 4 players

the burton 4 players

the conner 5 velociraptors

the conner 5 velociraptors

burton 5

burton 5

Housing Information