<aside> 📚 House is a home for students who wish to contribute to equitable and sustainable progress on a global scale. iHouse provides students with resources to pursue their interests and project ideas while at MIT, but most importantly iHouse provides its residents with a network of similarly passionate students dedicated to social and environmental good.

Living-Learning Communities (LLC) at MIT are co-curricular opportunities that combine a welcoming, supportive and diverse living environment with a broad focus that brings together students who share a common interest and enables students to deepen, broaden, and apply their academic learning in this field. The purpose of LLC is to build a sense of community and collaboration, to foster experiential education and discussions, to enhance problem-solving and communication skills, to enrich understanding of global issues, and to cultivate confidence, competence, leadership ability, and intellectual engagement. As co-curricular opportunities, LLC necessarily involve faculty as well as residential and other staff to work with the students in addressing the challenges associated with their community focus.
