Point of Contact: Grace Smith [email protected]

"Pecker is the nerdiest floor of the nerdiest dorm of the nerdiest university of the world." — The Wiki on Pecker's Spiritual Characteristics

Pecker is an exciting place to be.

We like engaging in shenanigans that run the gamut from low to high levels of sketchiness, such as experimental cooking, board games, puzzles, obscure role-playing games (common ones too!), cult-ish activities, fun funerals and hacking. You'll find that we're diverse and passionate, excitable about calligraphy, woodworking, fencing, music and so, so much more. We've got a high math major density but don't let that stop you from checking us out if you're not course 18! (To be fair, we have quite a few non-math majors.)




The cooking cleavers live in the kitchen knife drawer, are incredibly dull, and are whipped out for peaceful conflict resolution.

Pecker — A Brief History

According to one legend, Pecker was named after the People Engaged in the Creation of Knowledge of Existential Risk.

According to another legend, once in the days long ago, a large yellow sign bearing the words "Woodpecker Home Furnishings", having descended upon the Earth from a higher source, was by chance encountered by people walking on the street; the floor was then named in honour of this fallen relic. The fact that there literally is such a large yellow sign on the kitchen-side wall lends credence to this myth.


"There's a farmer's market five minutes from Random where I would go to buy stalks of delicious Brussels sprouts (All hail King Brussels! King of the Sprouts!) every week and then once I had cooked all the delicious Brussels sprouts, I and a fellow Peckerite would FIGHT. Brussels sprout stalk against collapsible metal pole locked in a duel to the death!" — Michelle

"The world can be hectic, and time can fly pasturize." — Milk Themilk


"Peckerites are notorious for their experimental cooking. Cayenne marshmallows, potato caramel, spicy carrot smoothie, and the sketchiest 5-minute cookies you've ever met. Delicious.

Once we made a trip to our local potato shrine to be pay our respects to the almighty potato and be absolved of our culinary sins (pfff, not really—we're just as exciting as ever). Our potato offerings were few in number but powerful in spirit."

— Grace