Point of contact: Ether Bezugla [email protected]
Like all floors in Random Hall, Black Hole is the nerdy floor! We are a cat floor, clothing optional, super queer friendly, and have the most Cthulhu per capita of all the floors. Our residents have a huge range of interests, including but not limited to firespinning, building things, narrative, live action roleplaying, the arcane arts, tentacles and tentacle-adjacent things, rock climbing, fiberglass, chill tea hangouts, rocketry, vidja game, etc, etc, etc. We would love to get to know you! :D
Back in the day, when things were more h4rdc0r3, we used to be called the suck floor, because our various shenanigans would always suck in people from the surrounding floors. Clearly Black Hole is a much cooler name. We continue sucking people in today with our very elaborate party themes (The Bastard's Apotheosis - where we gave praise to our bastard floor cat, Floor Gender Gender Floor - the yearly ritual of reversing the floor gender through sword combat, Death Party - where we all dressed as our interpretations of death), fun activities (Soylent bread, eye injuries, magnesium), and by generally being a super friendly, open, and accepting floor.
If you want to hear more stories, we're running an event, Stories from the Black Hole on Sun, 8/30, starting 17:17 (that's 5:17) --- be there or be square to hear about Iron Macy, Eye Spikes, Fire Alarms and much more!
So much cat.
To learn the backstory behind this photo, come to stories from Black Hole!