Point of Contact: Katie Lu - [email protected]

We do a lot of cooking—whether we’re learning how to use the tea kettle to boil water to pour over our dry-af extra spicy instant ramen, whipping up some Flour Bakery focaccia, or stuffing black sesame tangyuan by hand for Chinese New Year.

We also love to paint, draw, write, play piano, violin, and guitar, drink tea, go hacking, build (and break) things, and watch movies. We spend a lot of time in the kitchen together, listening to all types of music, psetting, and cooking food. And, like most floors, we enjoy the occasional spicy meme.

We’ve got a maybe 1 (?), a 2, a 3, two 4’s, three 5’s, three and a maybe 6 (decisions are hard), a maybe 7, three 8’s, a 9, an 11 (maybe…), maybe a 12 (idk man), a 16, one (or maybe two… or three) 18’s, and maybe a 69 or a 420 (lel jk but seriously, we’re diverse).

We also love cats and puppies, but we’re not allowed to have any so Miranda bought 7 gold fish and a stuffed polar bear.

BMF Traditions

We do an annual potluck for Thanksgiving and for the Lunar New Year. We also go out for dim sum occasionally and order a lot of boba. We do a Secret Santa of sorts every year, and it's always fun to try to sneak gifts into people's rooms as well as guess who sent the gifts. We decorate the Christmas tree in the lounge to the dulcet sounds of unique Christmas playlists and always leave it up for way too long.

Life on BMF

We like to bake and cook. Abilities range from "I didn't know the egg could roll off the counter" to Chinese mom to master baker. Effort ranges from eating frozen veggies straight from the unthawed freezer bag to instant ramen to 3 course meal. If you'd like to see what the more accomplished of us can make, head on over to The BMF Bakery.

Everything is covered in novelty moustaches from Star Market.

bmf has a family tree! Our residents and special friends currently carry the titles of grandmother, grandpa, mom, dad, stronk uncle, fairy godmother, teenage son, tween son, child prodigy, punk aunt, college daughter, rebel daughter, drunkle, crazy aunt, athena cluster (side hoe), hippie daughter, adopted daughter...

Two residents of bmf own face pillows.